
About Me
Buying a new business

I have always wanted to own my own business, but I have never had that one big idea that I thought I could turn into a business. Recently one of the guys I went to uni with has approached me about me about buying his business from him. I'm excited about the idea of finally being my own boss and getting to run my own business. This blog is all about buying a new business and has some tips on what you need to know before you buy a business. I hope it will be useful for anyone contemplating the same move.


3 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Recycled Timber For Construction

20 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

Unlike new timber, recycled timber is salvaged from pre-existing constructions. It's then milled, measured, cut and then kiln-dried. In the end, the finished product is just as good as new timber. Recycled timber is becoming an increasingly acceptable product for all manner of constructions. It's being used for residential builds, civil projects, and commercial projects as well. If you have a build on your hands, here are some good reasons to jump on the 'recycled timber' bandwagon. Read More …

Unusual and eye-catching tiles

16 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

Given that humans have been decorating their homes with tiles for thousands of years, you'd think there would be no room left for innovation. But changing design trends and changing technology have created a generation of new tiles that combine hard-wearing utility and bold new looks.  Three-dimensional tiles Tiles aren't limited to smooth surfaces; expanding into three dimensions can create complex patterns with an effect similar to three-dimensional wallpaper. Metal skins over ceramic surfaces create an interesting crinkled effect that reflects light throughout a room, while modern 3D tiles present ridged, organic-looking surfaces ranging from smooth patterns that evoke sand dunes to densely ridged patterns like flower petals. Read More …

Under Pressure: Choosing The Best Type Of Tyre Pressure Gauge For Your Needs

14 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Keeping your car's tyres properly inflated and pressurised is obviously vital for safe driving, and checking your tyre pressure frequently is the best away to avoid any nasty surprises on the road. There are a variety of pressure gauge types available, and while they can be dramatically different in terms of form and function, they are all extremely useful accessories for any driver. However, these different types of tyre pressure gauge come with their own pros and cons, so make sure the type you choose is the most suited to your needs before you buy. Read More …

Line Marking Paint versus Line Marking Powder

13 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you've been tasked with marking the lines on your local club sports pitch, you may be wondering what kind of line marking product to use.  The choice is basically line marking paint or line marking powder; so what's the difference and which would be the best option for your particular job?  Read on for a helpful comparison. Line marking paint Line marking paint is versatile and easy to use.  It generally comes ready-prepared, meaning that there's no need for messy measuring and mixing before you can load up your line marking machine. Read More …

What Can Cause a Freeze Alarm to Go Off in a Gycol System?

13 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

Some owners of microbreweries incur heavy costs to repair the refrigeration system after the system breaks down due to the mistake of resetting the freeze alarm without addressing the reason why the alarm went off. Here are some common causes of a freeze alarm going off in your glycol refrigeration system. Improper Glycol Solution Freeze Point The glycol solution in your refrigeration system plays a big role in ensuring that the refrigerant does not freeze. Read More …